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Resources & Links

Alcoholics Anonymous​ - Indianapolis Intergroup

AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.


Christ Missionary Baptist Church

Equipping Believers • Mobilizing the Church • Worshipping Christ


Hamilton County Youth Assistance Program

The Hamilton County Youth Assistance Program was developed in the fall of 2009, as a pilot program in Westfield, Indiana. With such positive response from community stakeholders, Youth Assistance expanded to Noblesville in 2012 and Fishers in 2014. Hamilton Heights was quick to follow Fishers in 2014, with Carmel and Sheridan opening offices in 2015. The Early Intervention Advocates in each community work under the appointment of Judge Paul Felix, Hamilton County Circuit Court and Judge Steven Nation, Hamilton County Superior Court 1.

Indiana Career Connect

Next Level Jobs is part of Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Indiana agenda to continue the positive momentum of our state. Under his leadership with support from the 2017 General Assembly, Indiana is taking the state’s workforce to the next level with a focus on the high-priority industries and high-demand jobs driving Indiana’s 21st Century economy forward.

Indiana State Department of Health

The Indiana State Department of Health supports Indiana's economic prosperity and quality of life by promoting, protecting and providing for the health of Hoosiers in their communities. The Department is also responsible for the administration of two special institutions--the Indiana Veterans' Home and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's Home. The Indiana Family Helpline links residents with maternal and child health services, WIC services, and other support services throughout Indiana.


Indiana Youth Group

Indiana Youth Group (IYG) creates safe spaces, provides wellness programming, and educates LGBTQ youth and the community.​


Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership

INHP is helping to enhance and build stronger Indianapolis neighborhoods.

Narcotics Anonymous Central Indiana Area

NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.


Options Behavioral Health System

Welcome and thank you for considering Options Behavioral Health and allowing us to be a part of your journey to a new and richer life. We realize that the decision to seek treatment can be one of the most intimidating and stressful choices you will ever need to make. Our compassionate staff strives to create a safe, supportive, and caring environment, which we feel is the most crucial component we can offer our patients and their families as they begin the healing process.


Resource Residential Treatment Facility

Resource Treatment Center provides comprehensive mental health/psychiatric treatment for youth who are suffering from emotional, behavioral, developmental, and psychiatric concerns.



Indiana Recovery Network (IRN)

Bridging gaps in Services and engagement throughout the State to ensure that recovery support and services are accessible to all individuals.

1431 N. Delaware St. Indpls, In. 46202

Unite Indy

Mission: Connecting hearts, minds and hands to meet needs in our community

Vision: Our city’s image transforms from “Indianapolis: The Crossroads of America” to “Indianapolis: The Heart of America.”


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