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Community & Family Support

 Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Proverbs 14:31 NIV 

We Listen. We Don't Judge...

Poverty encompasses all walks of life and comes with insurmountable obstacles. Oftentimes,  people equate being "poor" to being unable to pay bills, rent, etc., or simply needing assistance to "get back on their feet".  


In all actuality, mental health challenges, trauma, addiction, homelessness, and hunger, just to name a few, are all
circumstances that can label us "poor” as well. Poor in our mindset, poor in our spirits.


Living in poverty can lead us to violent outcomes.  Despite those outcomes, everyone deserves to be treated with decency, respect, and love, regardless of background or pocketbook size.


 At ITOR we hope to break barriers and stigmas by supporting people from where they are. We strive to provide inspiration, education, and motivation. Let us help you pave your path to prosperity!

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